Warning about my own AirTags

Every once in a while, I’ll get a warning that an unknown AirTag has been detected, and it’s mine.

Today, I got this warning. This is the same AirTag and it’s my keychain.

Anyone else run into this?

Strange. I sometimes see this coming from tags registered to my wife’s or my daughter’s iCloud accounts, but never for one registered to my own account. (We don’t use Family Sharing.)

I’ve only seen an “unknown AirTag” warning a couple of times but in my recollection the Notification for Apple products looks different from the Notifications you’re receiving. Also, I think a Notification for an Apple product specifically mentions the detected product’s name.

Images can be seen here:

So one possibility is that your Notifications are the result of an app or website tracking you. Another is a non-Apple product is generating the alerts.

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Except that the SN of that unknown AirTag is my keys’ AirTag.

Plus that AirTag beeped multiple times this morning. I wasn’t sure why until I saw the notification.

And a few minutes later when I attempted to search for the unknown AirTag, it wasn’t under FindMy.

It’s like Apple’s FindMy network had a hiccough.

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Battery issue?

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My understanding is that an NFC tag is different to an Airtag. For example I have some stick on NFC tags that I can use with Apple Shortcuts such as tapping my iPhone near the tag (eg to turn on a Homekit switch).
So… it is possible that your Airtag is defective and is behaving like an NFC tag.

Otherwise, has the Airtag been inadvertently switched to “lost”?

These notifications are suspect. They are coming from Safari, not from FindMy.