Good evening!
I’ve got a website issue. For many years, I’ve maintained a website documenting Scout patches and Scout history–one entry point is:
For over 20 years, this has been hosted by what’s now called iBiblio, a service at UNC Chapel Hill that’s as old as the web, if not older. I worked with the service in the early days (it was originally SunSite, then Metalab, before becoming iBiblio) and I’ve been happily grandfathered into being allowed to keep my site running there at no charge.
Recently they had a major infrastructure change. Since then, when my index pages try to load a bunch of thumbnail images, they pretty quickly hit a limit and start to get “429 - Too many requests” errors. I’ve tried opening a support ticket there, but it doesn’t seem as if they’re interested in making the necessary parameter changes that would allow these pages to work.
The web pages themselves are hand-coded HTML and CSS, plus image files. The total size is about 1.5GB. I have a full copy of the website on my computer; to update, I update the local files and use Transmit to connect to the server via SFTP and synchronize the local file tree with the server file tree.
My first question is – does anyone know of a reasonably-priced service for static web hosting that supports a similar approach: point my domain at a server folder, use SFTP to dump a folder tree full of HTML, CSS, and images into that server folder, and stand back and let it work?
It sounds like it might be slightly more complicated but possible to have a similar workflow using storage/hosting from Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, or the equivalent Google service. Is anyone familiar with that process?
Alternatively, I could try to migrate the whole thing to some more dynamic service, in the hope of being able to more easily expand, add blog-type content, and so on. But I’m not sure what would be the best strategy to move in that direction – and until this server problem cropped up, the static site was doing a good job of meeting the needs of the people who wanted to use it.
Any thoughts?