Josh Centers: So Long and Thanks for All the Fish

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at the synchronicity. I was lucky enough go to Covington to take Chris’ chair-making class in September. It was a life-changing experience. I never imagined I’d be able to actually make a chair. If you ever decide to make an Avery/Sawyer-style inshave (, be sure to let me know. They’re hard to get.

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Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to add RSS to the TextExpander blog!

Congratulations on your new job, and the best of luck in the future.


I don’t think that would be hard, simply because I could take a common drawknife and beat it into a “U.” The trick would be maintaining the temper. Might have to quench in oil instead of water.

Looks like they have one, they just need a button for it: TextExpander

Thank you for your great and useful work with TidBITs, @jcenters Josh! Your insights have helped me through a couple of MacJams and (more importantly) kept me out of a couple as well.