Display does not always wake from sleep

I have been experiencing intermittent difficulties getting my display to wake up. This is an old Apple Cinema Display that has been used on a PowerMac G5 and a MacPro for many years. It is now attached to my M2 Mac Studio using a DVI to USB-C connector. The display works fine – except when it does not wake up.

There are numerous threads on various fora concerned about displays not waking on various Apple Silicon devices (maybe Intel, too).

I’ve included the log from pmset below. I hit several keys (space, shift, esc) and those failed to wake up the display–but there are some interesting entries about drivers/etc being slow. I then disconnected the USB-C cable (shown as a break in the log). There might be something useful here.


2025-02-03 10:16:19 -0700 Wake                	Wake from Deep Idle [CDNVA] : due to SMC.OutboxNotEmpty smc.70070000 usb3 pcie-xhci/UserActivity Assertion Using AC (Charge:0%)
2025-02-03 10:16:19 -0700 WakeDetails         	DriverReason:SMC.OutboxNotEmpty - DriverDetails:
DriverReason:smc.70070000 - DriverDetails:
DriverReason:usb3 - DriverDetails:
DriverReason:pcie-xhci - DriverDetails:
2025-02-03 10:16:19 -0700 HibernateStats      	hibmode=0 standbydelaylow=0 standbydelayhigh=0                             	          4
2025-02-03 10:16:19 -0700 WakeTime            	WakeTime: 0.725 sec
2025-02-03 10:16:19 -0700 Kernel Client Acks
2025-02-03 10:16:19 -0700 Kernel Client Acks  	Delays to Wake notifications: [Port-USB-C driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(86 ms)] [AppleDCPDPTXRemotePortProxy driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(81 ms)] [usb-drd1-port-hs driver is slow(msg: SetState to 3)(105 ms)] [RTBuddy(ANS2) driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(174 ms)] [AppleT6020PCIe driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(290 ms)] [IOPP driver is slow(msg: WillChangeState to 2)(202 ms)] [pci-bridge2 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(202 ms)] [AppleConvergedIPCOLYBTControl driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(494 ms)] [AppleMultiFunctionManager driver is slow(msg: SetState to 1)(494 ms)] [AppleCS42L84Audio driver is slow(msg: DidChangeState to 1)(535 ms)] [Codec Output driver is slow(msg: WillChangeState to 1)(535 ms)] [AppleEmbeddedUSBXHCIASMedia3142 driver is slow(msg: WillChangeState to 2)(330 ms)] [AppleEthernetAquantiaAqtion113 driver is slow(msg: SetState to 2)(159 ms)]
2025-02-03 10:16:19 -0700 Assertions          	PID 115(powerd) Created InternalPreventSleep "com.apple.powermanagement.acwakelinger" 00:00:00  id:0x0xd0000a22d [System: PrevIdle DeclUser SRPrevSleep kCPU kDisp]
2025-02-03 10:16:19 -0700 Assertions          	PID 170(WindowServer) Created PreventSystemSleep "com.apple.WindowServer.PUIDS" 00:00:00  id:0x0x70000a231 [System: PrevIdle PrevSleep DeclUser SRPrevSleep IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]
2025-02-03 10:16:19 -0700 Notification        	Display is turned on
2025-02-03 10:16:19 -0700 Assertions          	Summary- [System: PrevIdle PrevSleep DeclUser SRPrevSleep IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp] Using AC
2025-02-03 10:16:19 -0700 Assertions          	PID 170(WindowServer) Released PreventSystemSleep "com.apple.WindowServer.PUIDS" 00:00:00  id:0x0x70000a231 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser SRPrevSleep IPushSrvc kCPU kDisp]

[pulled usb-c cable; reinserted]

2025-02-03 10:17:04 -0700 Assertions          	PID 115(powerd) TimedOut InternalPreventSleep "com.apple.powermanagement.acwakelinger" 00:00:44  id:0x0xd0000a22d [System: PrevIdle DeclUser SRPrevSleep kCPU kDisp]
2025-02-03 10:17:04 -0700 Assertions          	Summary- [System: PrevIdle DeclUser kDisp] Using AC
2025-02-03 10:31:12 -0700 Assertions          	PID 44669(sdbackupbytime) Summary PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "sdbackupbytime Smart Wake" 00:00:07  id:0x0x10000a7ad [System: PrevIdle DeclUser kDisp]
2025-02-03 10:31:12 -0700 Assertions          	PID 115(powerd) Summary PreventUserIdleSystemSleep "Powerd - Prevent sleep while display is on" 00:14:53  id:0x0x10000a232 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser kDisp]
2025-02-03 10:31:12 -0700 Assertions          	PID 115(powerd) Summary UserIsActive "com.apple.powermanagement.kernel.useractive AppleUserUSBHostHIDDevice:kIOHIDSystemActivityTickle NX_HARDWARE" 00:14:53  id:0x0x90000a22c [System: PrevIdle DeclUser kDisp]
2025-02-03 10:31:12 -0700 Assertions          	PID 170(WindowServer) Summary UserIsActive "com.apple.iohideventsystem.queue.tickle serviceID:100000d6b service:AppleUserHIDEventService product:USB Optical Mouse eventType:17" 00:00:00  id:0x0x900009bc8 [System: PrevIdle DeclUser kDisp]
2025-02-03 10:31:19 -0700 Assertions          	PID 115(powerd) TimedOut UserIsActive "com.apple.powermanagement.kernel.useractive AppleUserUSBHostHIDDevice:kIOHIDSystemActivityTickle

Edit: I am currently using this DVI to USB-C adapter to connect the display to the Studio.

See this discussion from a year ago:


I read that and dozens of other discussions online but could not find any definitive solutions. That is why I posted a portion of the log so that a reader could look at it and provide some information.