Use 'Reactions' plugin to support emoji responses

It doesn’t? Click on the number next to the heart and you’ll see who clicked it:

Screen Shot 2022-12-07 at 16.50.50

Likewise with emojis - hover over them to see who clicked them:

Screen Shot 2022-12-07 at 16.52.40

Even if multiple people clicked the emoji, the pop-up tooltip will list them all:

Screen Shot 2022-12-07 at 16.58.15

But I don’t know how/if this works from a mobile device.


Doh! I clicked on the heart itself, not the number. So yeah, nothing’s anonymous. :-)

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FWIW my objection to the old plugin is practical: it’s not as screen-reader accessible as the native support, in that you can see what and who the reactions are or were from, but you can’t contribute your own due to the modal it uses. So I look forward to being fully included when you update to the in-box support.

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OK, the Discourse Reactions plugin is now installed and active. Now, when you click the heart icon, you can choose from a variety of emoji as well.

The question is, what emoji should we provide? There’s a limit to how many make sense (6 or 8 at most), so let’s come up with a list that encompasses the major ones.

I’ll lead by saying I’m not going to add the poop emoji because I don’t find scatology funny. But I’m cool with there being a couple of negative ones, like :disappointed: and :frowning_face:

This is what the settings look like now.

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I’d suggest a couple of changes to your list:

  • I don’t think :+1: adds anything significant over :heart: to be worth a slot
  • I prefer (and see more use of) :joy: over :laughing:

And two requested additions:

  • :100:
  • :raised_hands:

And a functional note: I can’t get the emojis to appear when clicking on the heart icon on your post – is the plugin definitely active for everyone?

Thanks for spending the time on this :raised_hands:

Oh, also since this is TidBITS, can I also request the following custom emoji?


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I see the emojis when I mouse over the heart – no clicking required.

Just a thumbs down. That’s what I typically use to express displeasure with a post.

Nice idea.

IMHO :heart: and :+1: are a bit redundant. And because this isn’t The Newlywed Game I prefer :+1:. Like @ddmiller, I think having :-1: makes sense too.

I’m not sure what :confetti_ball: is supposed to be used for.

And, like @jzw, I think a thank you is missing like :pray: or perhaps better :raised_hands: since the former has this oddly religious vibe attached to it. At least for me.

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I don’t think :heart: can be disabled as it’s the standard, built in, always available reaction in Discourse.

It started working for me a few minutes after writing that post, so either @ace was still adjusting things or the setting took a bit of time to propagate through.

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Another request from me:


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What about a confused symbol like :question: to indicate content not clear, needs clarification?


Let’s see if we can expand the suggestions as well:

:heart: = “I like the fact that you posted this.”
:+1: = “I agree with what you said in this post.”
:-1: = “I don’t agree with what you said in this post.”
:rofl: = “This was hilarious” (I prefer the tilted one to :joy:, which looks like plain crying to me.)
:100: = “This post is 100% correct and really helpful—100 points!” (This feels to me like an extension of the heart.)
:raised_hands: = “Thank you!” (This seems a slightly forced interpretation; it’s nominally more about celebration.)
:question: = “I found this post confusing” (The confused face :confused: doesn’t look confused to me)

Looks like custom emoji are possible, but what would this mean? What if we we did a version with a + and another with a -, like this, to mean “Apple did good” and “Apple did bad”?

image image

What’s pointing supposed to mean? If you have a question, wouldn’t you ask it?

Anything else?

That finger pointing up means “What he/she said” :)

I like your list and agree with the tilted laughing face!

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But is that any different from :+1: or :heart: ?

This is where I wanted the :point_up: emoji!

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I also see more of the one with tears than the one without but I don’t like it.

I think even tilted it’s a mixed message, compared to :laughing:. It’s also almost always hyperbole.

It is different, IF it’s a separate post, because with a heart or thumbs up you’re agreeing with the poster.

If you do pointing up as a separate post it’s just a quick way of saying “agreed” without saying “agreed”

So that begs the question - is it an emoji you can put in a post or is a reaction to a current post?


I always see/think of :point_up: as having the meaning you’ve attributed to :+1: (“I agree with what you said in this post.”/“What they said.”). Whereas for me, :+1: means the exact same as :heart: (“I like the fact that you posted this”).

I was thinking this could be used to acknowledge something as being very “Apple-y” or appreciative of the Mac (/iPhone/iPad/etc), or just generally reminiscent of the past or spirit of early computing. For instance, I would have given a six-colour Apple emoji to this post, had it been available:

I’m not as keen on the Apples with overlaid + or - as I see it as more of a feeling than a specific rating. But of course, this is your forum, so if that fits better with your vision, I’d prefer any six-colour Apple option to none!

Maybe it was originally forced, or maybe I the other groups I’m on are unusual, but for the past several years I have seen this commonly used as “Thank you!” (as well as “Yay!”). But I’d certainly be open to another emoji for “Thank you”. I think having something for this sentiment would be useful.