One of our faculty is home sick* and needs to record lectures for students from home and probably do web conferencing with Zoom Pro. She has a Macbook Air; I don’t yet know the model or system version. It’s not her primary computer, so it could be kind of old. She’d like at least a better camera/microphone than the Air provides. It would probably also be useful if she could include screen recording even if that needs third party software.
I know nothing about webcams and software. I vaguely know you can use Quicktime to record video, and presumably iMovie to edit.
Any suggestions for the physical camera–even important and convenient features–and good, very easy to learn/use software to run it? Classes are still in session, with finals coming up week after next, so time is important. But I expect this is going to be affecting other users before long too, so I’d also like suggestions on non-minimal solutions that we can get going on now for next quarter.
Many thanks for any help!
- Not covad-19, but self quarantine is now required for us with pretty much any symptoms.