URL quick links?

I regularly have about a million pages open in Safari, which sucks up a lot of ram, and hard drive space for cache. I try minimize the number, but it’s an old bad habit that I have and I can’t seem to break it. I always have something I “need” to get back to.

For some reason bookmarks don’t work well for me in Safari, recovering them that is. I will create a bookmark and know I have it, yet when I start to type it, Safari seems to be more interested in bringing up similar history than the actual bookmark. So I’m not sure I want to put these things in bookmarks.

I am hoping there is something I can use that will let me just drop these links into them, where I can refer back to them or read them when I get the time. And yes, there really have been times when I’ve started a project, knew I had the page open, and realized it had shut down along the way then I’d have to dig through my history and hope it’s there.

I think I tend to keep pages open because doing so keeps them at my fingertips and out of my head. Sometimes I am doing research and will have 5-6 tabs open with all that research. They stay open until I’m done and it can actually be months. I want to start closing these things out but the thought of not being able to find them again is stopping me from doing so.

I sometimes drop long term stuff into Notes or Reminders, but I didn’t know if there is something more specific, or quite frankly, what I am even looking for.


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How about something like Barebone’s Yojimbo? There is a trial version.


i.e., every website that you linger on, send to Yojimbo via a keyboard shortcut, and then you can easily find the website again.

Have you heard of Safari’s Reading List? I think it’s just what you want.

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Thanks, I will check that out~ Pardon me while I open another web page :rofl:


You know, Notes may work for this. I may have to manually move things into their own folders, but works via the share button and gives you a nice little link wit a preview. Still checking….


I use https://getpocket.com to save “articles” I need to find again later along with stuff I want to read but might lose track of before I get around to it :wink:

Sometimes I use a script to grab the title and url of each page open in Safari and stick the list into the clipboard. Then I can add it to a note or text file and close a bunch of tabs. (url is from my blog…)

For example:

Capture all tabs in Safari as URLs to the clipboard – theconsultant.net - https://theconsultant.net/2017/06/capture-all-tabs-in-safari-as-urls-to-the-clipboard/



Here is Apple’s own explanation of the feature:

This is a great feature, and syncs over iCloud to all your devices… I was using Pocket before this so I stuck to that, but this is easier :wink:



I hadn’t heard about this? I just tried it out and it’s great!

I was unaware of this feature also. Thanks for the tip. I have used Pocket for ever but I see this could replace it.

I also am grateful for this tip. As soon as I tried it, I realized what a
great time saver this is. I’ll be making good use of this from now on.
