Originally published at: https://tidbits.com/2020/04/20/tidbits-memberships-increase-thank-you/
Our membership drive last week was a success, with nearly 600 new members joining, and additional contributions from 75 current members. Thanks to everyone for the support!
You are doing a great job & I really appreciate it. I’m 70 years old, living on Social Security & undergoing chemo. Even with all of this going on, I managed a year or 2 ago to increase my membership level from the lowest to $50 a year. Tidbit is worth a lot more! I will keep on subscribing as long as I can.
Thank you for all of the work all of you at Tidbits do!!!
Very happy to be able to contribute
It’s well deserved success, and the increase is a result of dedication and great work.
Congratulations on your membership increase. I’m 75 years young now and have been a reader / member for ages. The earliest issue / ebook I can find on my computer is TidBITS#1025/26-Apr-2010 and Take Control of Upgrading to Snow Leopard, the days of arguably Apple’s greatest version of MacOS, but that’s not when I started reading your very useful rag, probably sometime back in the 1990s. The world has been through some big changes since then, not to mention Tidbits itself. It’s been a great ride.
Adam I’m so pleased your efforts paid off with those 600 new members! That’s fantastic!
I was 46 when I began reading TidBITS on Info-Mac in ‘91 — bit older now too
Congratulations again!
Welcome to those 600 new folks. Hope you join in the conversations.
That’s great news, Adam, well done! And very well deserved.