TidBITS-appropriate Black Friday 2023 deals

Reading Isaacson’s book on Musk. I’m just up to 2008. The book goes chronologically- The early years with PayPal The near meltdowns of SpaceX and Tesla-and Musk. (and his marriage). Just getting this far makes the Twitter fiasco just par for the course. I think better than the Jobs book.

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I wonder if Isaacson will write a bio of Tim Cook?

David Hamrick posted a note to the Vuescan blog clarifying the situation:


While pre-2022 purchasers of the professional edition will continue to receive updates free of charge, they have set up a program for voluntary contributions to sustain the business.

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I forgot to mention a positive experience I had with one of the Black Friday deals that was listed on @mjtsai’s Black Friday roundup page. I hadn’t heard of MacWhisper Pro audio transcription software before, and I probably would not have tried it at its full price of €29, but when discounted to €14.50, I thought it might be fun to try.

I have been delighted by its performance and accuracy in transcribing audio files (podcasts, Zoom recordings, etc.) on my M1 MacBook Air. It has more than paid for itself in time saved reviewing meetings and generating meeting notes. I’ll gladly pay full price for additional seats, and I have recommended it to friends.