Software Update on SSD external fails

I have an iMac with internal spinning hard drive.
For YEARS I suffered with extremely SLOW response from the computer. Fortunately Glenn Fleishman’s article (April 9. 2021 “An External SSD gave MY iMac a new Lease on Life”) provided a detailed tip on how he cured his iMac

I followed his guidance and now start up and run Big Sur in an external 1 TB SSD. Smoking hot

Twice this week I tried to UpDate Zoom to the most recent version. Both times the installer froze AND the error message would not clear.

Installer error.pdf (143.2 KB)
The installer did not recognize a click on “OK” or “Don’t Allow”. I had to log out of my User Account to get a usuable screen.

Is this a Zoom Installer issue?
Or can I anticipate problems with other software? Incidentally 1PassWord updates with out issues

Any recommendations on a solution? Any hope for getting Zoom up to date if the Installer is sick?


Am I right in thinking that you’d installed Zoom prior to moving your system disk over to the external SSD? If that’s the case, I’d suggest uninstalling Zoom then reinstalling it. It looks like the updater has its knickers in a twist because Zoom isn’t on the disk it was originally installed into. Hope that helps.


you are right. Originally Zoom was installed on the internal rotating drive

I’ll give. your suggestion a try. AND remove zoom from the rotating drive
