Recipe template or application

Hello: I have been asked for an application to use on the mac to create recipes. They want to organize all the handwritten sheets of paper they have for an easier method to look up a recipe. Any suggestions? Anyone have a great method of maintaining their recipes? Thank you.

I use Paprika for the Mac and iOS (they sync) and love the way it can pull a recipe off a web page, photos and all. They have a great print function and have been around for years, are updating regularly and responsive to feedback. No kickbacks, just a long time supporter.


I have just switched to Paprika, and one thing is driving me CRAZY – whenever I click/tap on an ingredient, it grays it out and draws a line through it. I really don’t like that behavior. Is there any way to turn it off?


I think it is an indication that you have added that ingredient so it’s checked off. I would sent an inquiry to the designer and they will get back to you quickly. I don’t use that function, mostly having recipe open on my kitchen iPad with strong magnets attached so I can move it places. It seems like an interface design that I don’t pay attention to (which says something about me). Let me know what you find out.

I still think it is a great program and they seem to be very diligent about caring for it and keeping it up to date.

[I really get burned when I find a program that seems nice and then it leaves the App Store and is gone -Couchy]

Thank you. I’ll try it.

If you just click on it again, it comes right back. Behavior does not occur in edit mode, which is the only time I might want to select an ingredient, so I hadn’t noticed.

I turn them all into PDFs and keep em in a DropBox folder and search by title or ingredient. Used to keep emails but with the unreliable sync of mail folders between iOS and macOS we went to the DropBox route instead.

I put together a FileMaker Pro database back in the 1990s that has been slowly evolving. It’s nothing fancy, but it works exactly how I would want it to work. If you already have a database application, consider building one.

If it’s not coming from my head… I’ve a pile of printouts I sift through shoved in various cookbooks.

I have a DevonTHINK database, cleverly titled ‘Food’ which I occasionally add to and check.

But 95% of the time, even 99% of the time, I use the NYT Cooking app, iOS and in-browser. If you have a NYT subscription it comes with it, I’ve been consistently impressed with it, both the recipes and commentary. You can add other recipes from the web or any app to it as well.

I’ve been using Evernote to store my recipes.

We wrote about Paprika a while back.

And it’s what Tonya and Tristan and I use to share recipes. I particularly like how it can download recipes from massively ugly food blog pages. Highly recommended.


Yep, we still use Paprika six years later. Nothing else comes close.

Also a fan of Paprika. I bought it for my iMac, iPhone and iPad. Fantastic tool.