I’m wondering for those that have upgraded to iOS 18, if you’ve changed the default Photographic style in the camera settings.
When I edit the style of a photo after taking it, there are a number of options, notably both Natural and Neutral.
I wanted to change the default to to be Natural, but going through the process doesn’t seem to give you the option for all the different styles available when editing a photo. Neutral is included, but Natural is not. Feel like a few others are probably missing as well, but didn’t do a complete comparison.
Yeah I’m trying to wrap my head around them, too. And I am working on an article. It’s a lot of options! I need to dig further, because so far I’ve just dallied a bit.
That said, Tyler Stallman’s video goes into more detail about Photographic Styles, so that’s worth a watch:
I was finally able to get Natural to be the default, though it’s a bit round-about, thanks to some details on Macrumors. Seems you can only choose from the “skin tone” group of the new styles in Settings.
But if you set the style you want in the camera app and take a picture, you can then go to Settings → Camera → Preserve Settings and toggle on Photographic Style, it will preserve the last used style.