I’m reviewing a Mac app that is supposed to mitigate annoying Web site behaviors, like preventing copy and paste, hijacking the scroll wheel, intercepting Mac keyboard shortcuts, etc. If you know of sites that do things like this, let me know so I can use them to test.
A horrifically designed website that absolutely floors me with miles of unnecessarily scrolling, barely legible typography, overwhelming, awful and unnecessary animation on every page, confusing navigation, and consistant horribleness is Yale’s Art School, one of the best art, design and film schools in the world. And extra bad points for the fact that the Art School is closely affiliated with Yale’s Center For Media and its School Of Architecture.
What makes this even worse is that for over a century the school is reknown for its roster of professors and graduates that includes many of the most respected color and design experts taught for many years, including my absolute idol in color theory, Josef Albers, whose Interaction Of Color is still considered to be the bible in the field, and Walker Evans, the brilliant photographer, and Matthew Carter, one of the most influential type designers and typographers, also reknown one of the first and most influential digital type designers in the world. They must be turning in their graves.
Here are just a few links that will lead to even more examples of egregious annoyances. They update the site regularly, and it seems to keep getting worse. To top it off, Yale University claims to be a leader in accessibility for the handicapped:
ONE site I gave up on is CARE Credit (now a Mastercard). NEVER could figure out why. I think they were just uber-security alert/ paranoid!
FTR, use 1PW and usually Safari. FFox seemed to work better a few years back, but NOW I simply don’t use their website stuff.
PASTING for sure in Password field. Frustrating as hell when you have an up-to-date semi-secured home-bound Mac
Ohmigod. I show it to my students every year. All this money. All this talent. And they make… this.
Will the app do anything to eliminate the awful pre-roll ads on YouTube, CNN, etc.? Even when they serve up a really good pre-roll from Apple I get annoyed.
No, you’ll need an adblocker for that. I like Ublock Origin on Firefox.
Failing to open a new page in a new tab: In Safari, I find that beyond the home page, that is, beginning on any subpage at https://www.canadiantire.ca/en.html, Cmd-click opens a new page in the current tab, rather than in a new tab. Very annoying when checking out various products for comparison, as I quickly lose my starting point. Right-clicking and selecting “Open link in new tab” works, but requires a switch from keyboard to mouse.
If you do a Google search for song lyrics it displays it in the results but you can’t copy them. You can try that.