Little Snitch 6.0

Originally published at: Little Snitch 6.0 - TidBITS

Major new release for network traffic management utility brings a bevy of new features. ($59 new, free update, 36.1 MB, macOS 14+)

Hi friends,

A few weeks ago ObDev released Little Snitch 6, which is a paid upgrade from version 5. I’m curious if any of you have upgraded to version 6? If so, how are you finding it? A worthwhile upgrade? Any gotchas? Love it? Hate it?


See MPU for my reply :slight_smile:

I upgraded immediately, no regrets. The one new feature that caught my eye was DNS encryption. Setting that up in the past usually required jumping through a few hoops if your router didn’t natively support it (mine from Ubiquiti, does not.) Totally seamless now across my Macs.

The new publicly sourced blocklists are also very nice.

And we are back to a single click on the menubar widget to show the network monitor, and click anywhere to dismiss, no remembering to Cmd-Q as in v.5. And the fact it can show LAN activity as well as WAN is either new or I missed it in prior versions.
I had some difficulties with DNS over HTTPS in Firefox, but so far it works fine when I let Little Snitch take care of it.

Has anyone who’s upgraded learned if the new encrypted DNS feature is compatible with Apple’s Private Relay?

I have iCloud’s Private Relay enabled along with Encrypted DNS to Quad9 over HTTPS and it’s working fine.

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thanks. This is just what I wanted to know before upgrading! Glad to hear it works.

For me there was a speedbump in how the rules (adblock, threat and malware) work.

I use: FireHOL, HaGeZi Multi and HaGeZi Threat and browsing feels snappier than before. I don’t use the DNS feature as I use NextDNS at home, and at work the internal DNS is secured and I don’t have to add exceptions for internal stuff. If I was out and about more, then I would use the DNS feature and set it to NextDNS (custom option in the app).

So far so good. I like the I really like the DNS Encryption feature. Speeds up things drastically.