Link back to main TidBITS news site

I like TidBITS Talk, it is easy to use and can find my way around easily enough. However, there doesn’t seem to be a way to get to the main TidBITS page. Clicking on the TidBITS logo just takes you to the top of the Talk page. Could you add a link that takes us to the main news site as well, please.

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This has been raised (though you need to dig to find it), and @ace is looking into a solution. I agree, it would be useful!

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OK, I figured out how to add Articles (the TidBITS home page) and Issues (the list of issues) links to the header here, and I think I’ve applied it to both the Default and Dark themes. The only trick is that you may need to log out and log back in to see the changes.

If you have other suggestions about what to put in the header, let me know. I figured that Home was confusing, since it wasn’t necessarily clear if that meant the main site or the top level of Discourse.


Yeah. I had to log out and back in to see it. That’s pretty strange. If I hadn’t read this topic I wonder how long it would have been before I got logged out and saw them added.

Thanks for adding these links. It makes this forum feel much more integrated into the TidBITS universe. My only other quibble is that it would be better if this appeared as “TidBITS Talk” when it is listed in Google. (Not sure if this something you can control, but the link to this forum was listed as just TidBITS when it came up in the list.)

Let me think about that — “TidBITS Talk” is a category here, which is why I didn’t make it the site name, but perhaps that makes more sense overall.

Here’s where a link in the OTHER direction would be so helpful: TidBITS to Talk

In the Get TidBITS menu, at the bottom, is a link to TidBITS Talk. Plus, at the bottom of every article, the links to article comments will bring you here.