iOS/iPad OS 17x Photos: Magnifier tool missing in Markup

Does anyone else miss this tool, which I’ve always found very useful? (The most recent being a major project to replace the ugly-as-sin carpeting in my music room with parquet floor, when I needed to highlight a couple of “imperfections” so that my contractor could rectify them.)

Alas this tool disappeared as of iOS/iPadOS 17, even though the supposedly updated manual still lists it as a “feature”. Conversely, it’s still available in Preview on Mac, but I’d really prefer not to have to go into my office upstairs just to mark up a photo on an “iToy” — essentially for one-time use!

FWIW, here’s a photo of the finished project, for which the Magnifier tool really could have saved my eyesight as well as considerable time…

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I hope it returns, but in the meantime, you can use an app called Annotable (which actually has a better implementation). It adds a markup extension so you don’t even have to launch it directly.


Wow, Gordon, thanks so much! I just paid $9.99 for the full tools because they’re amazing!!!

In fact, since OS/iPadOS 17, the built-in Markup tools have become far more complicated (with multiple steps for what used to be one simple markup — at least for us unsophisticated “iToy” users). But this app is so intuitive that even if Apple brings back the Magnifier tool, I’ll continue to use this instead.

What sold me instantly is the pointer that indicates the original spot that’s being magnified, in fact the anchor for a curtain rod that’s falling off the wall :open_mouth::

The extension is another godsend, and truly this happy camper can’t thank you enough for coming to my rescue! And though it’s been said many a time before by others here, I must reiterate how grateful I am for Tidbits Talk, too :blush: :heart:

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Beautiful! I’d imagine it will change the room sound quite a bit as well.

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Jeff, funny you should mention it… To give you an idea of what it was like, when my piano was first covered in plastic right before the work began:

As you can imagine, the (thin) beige carpeting which covered the whole room not only put the proverbial damper on any and all sound, it was also cold underfoot in winter, since there’s only a 3-ft crawlspace underneath. Talk about adding insult to injury!

Consequently I’ve had to add those green rugs for warmth, comfort and aesthetics — though not directly under the piano, as I tried to salvage what little resonance that remained.

Truly the acoustics was SOOOOOO bad that it was downright depressing to play any instrument or to sing in that “music room”. To the point that one always wondered if one was having an “off” day, even when all other “conditions” might be perfect! The moral equivalent of any musician’s greatest nightmare: arriving at a concert hall before a performance, only to realize that it’s dead, with no resonance to speak of :weary:

(An aside: whenever two [classical] musicians cross paths as one arrives while the other leaves a concert hall, invariably the very first thing they exchange is “How is it [the sound]?” while hoping nay praying that the answer won’t be « C’est la merde ! »)

And though you can’t actually “hear” the acoustical difference based on the before and after photos here, surely you can imagine what a HUGE difference the new floor has made! Thank goodness for going from guaranteed depression to tremendous inspiration, such that I can just play and play, foregoing all else, till I suddenly realize that I’m practically on the point of fainting from… hunger. No joke!

Last but not least, I was able to mark up this photo with the Annotable App, thanks to Gordon above. :pray: