Incorrect Free Disk Space in Finder Windows

  • Macbook, Apple Silicon
  • everything fine with 15.2
  • update to 15.3
  • now Finder Windows show an incorrect free disk space for non-admin users
  • Disk Utility always, for all users, shows correct free disk space

Finder windows’ free space report includes “purgeable” content - files that can be deleted in order to make room for new content. For instance, caches or local copies of cloud files.

It stands to reason that different users will have different amount of purgeable storage, especially if the two accounts are logged in to different (or no) iCloud accounts.


This seems to be the issue:

system data stuck on calculating

That was posted on 5 Feb 2025, brandnew; and the person is on 15.3 …

For now I’ll just wait and see, b/c there doesn’t seem to be any problem other than a false display of free space for non-admin users.