Although this is simple to do on iPhone and I can find directions at for Catalina, I cannot figure out how on my Mojave Mac to get iTunes to show me a list of songs family members have purchased so I can download them too.
I successfully did it on on my iPhone and the song plays on it, but for whatever reason it doesn’t sync back to my Mac’s iTunes (I don’t have Apple Music and I don’t want it either). So there must be some other way to get the song into Mac iTunes. I just can’t figure out how. Any advice?
Never mind. Of course, the moment after I ask about it here I realize there’s one more thing to try and that leads to the solution.
iTunes > Music > Store > Purchased > at the top left there’s a list of family members, select there, and choose Not in my Library to get a convenient list. The click on cloud with arrow symbol.
And, when you get to Catalina you use the Music app, go to ITunes Store in the left sidbar, scroll all the way to the bottom where the fine print is and then click on “Purchased”.