How to disperse and disable iOS App Library?

I suspect there aren’t many who share my opinion on this, but I find App Library the single most useless feature iOS has. If one could create one’s own categories (and sort them one’s self!!), it might be uselful. As it is, the fixed categories it sorts apps into are often bizarre, at best useless.

I did (and do) much better just sorting apps into different screens, and swiping. Accidentally swiping into App Library is frequently difficult to get out of.

It is simply useless, and constantly in the way. Is there a way to make it go away?

Apparently not.

Why not just add a couple home screen pages with just one app on them so you know you’re getting close to the dreaded library?




Pathetic, but yes, functional. I certainly have enough useless iOS apps to place on those screen pages.


Done. Thanks again.

How is it any different to swipe out of the App Library than any other Home Screen? As far as I can tell, it works in exactly the same way.

And no, the App Library can’t be turned off—it’s a core aspect of iOS, so you don’t have to put every app on a Home Screen. I almost never use it, but I love how it lets me keep numerous apps out of my way.

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I do not know how or why, but, at least for me, it consistently takes numerous swipes to get it out of the way. But why should I have to bother with one swipe?

It’s organization is arbitrary, and unflexible. Apple has done nothing to improve it since it was first released. I would rather just be able to turn it off. It is in my way.

It’s not arbitrary, it’s based on the App Store category in which the developer placed their app.

It still looks arbitrary from here.

…and it just took me five swipes to get rid of it.