How do I Charge an Apple Pencil away from an iPad

Because I’m now disabled and spend most of my time in a recliner, I’ve mounted my iPad in a cantilevered stand beside it to provide easy access. I am unable to hold it in my lap for long periods as I’ve had my colon removed (an Ileostomy) and cannot have pressure there for extended stretches.

Mounting the iPad this way covers the charging area used by the Apple Pencil II and it is VERY difficult for me to remove and reinstall the iPad into the stand.

Can someone suggest an alternative method of charging my Apple Pencil II, please? It is magnetically charged.

I’d really appreciate your thoughts as the alternative is to get my Wife to charge it on her iPad when she gets home from work, or isn’t using the device herself.

I have no experience with how these work, but there are third party pencil chargers for sale:

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Not a great solution.but the latest version of the pencil charges via USB-c. Thats the only solution I can think of.

Thanks! I checked this out and ordered one, taking advantage of the Black Friday discount and got it for cheap. I’ll post the results next week. I really appreciate your feedback!

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Thanks for responding! It looks like Amazon carries an external charger for these things so I’ve taken advantage of the Black Friday sale and ordered one. I’ll post the results here shortly. Take care!

I just wanted to point out a problem with the workaround of charging your Gen 2 Apple Pencil on a different iPad than the one you intend to use it on:

The pencil can only connect to the last iPad it was attached to. So, charging it from another iPad still requires attaching it to your iPad before using it. Hopefully, using a 3rd party charger won’t force you to attach it to your iPad before using it.

Well, that could wreak havoc for some, but I would be plugging into the same power source as the iPad. I’ll post my results either way.

Thanks for your input!