GraphicConverter 12.1

Originally published at: GraphicConverter 12.1 - TidBITS

Brings new and updated features to the Swiss Army knife of graphics programs. ($39.95 new, free update, 157.8 MB, macOS 10.13+)

I used to use Graphic Converter but now just use Preview.

I have always appreciated and respected Lemkesoft’s work. GC does a lot with an emphasis on supporting an extremely wide range of image file formats (see features list below). This is something many other commercial apps have turned away from. I also appreciate any degree of backwards compatibility against the rush to support only the “current 3 versions” of macOS that Apple pushes (and in some cases forces upon developers).

Lemkesoft maintains downloads for older versions of GC in case you need it on a historical version of System/Mac OS/OSX.

Key features of GraphicConverter as listed on their web site (with links to more info):

Import and export functions

Picture organization & workflow management

Picture editing


[Edit: Blockquoted the features list above to visually denote sourced content from elsewhere]


Indeed. In addition to developing a truly great product, Thorsten Lemke consistently has been prompt, cordial, professional, and informative whenever I have contacted Lemkesoft with a question or a support issue.

When I occasionally get fed up with Apple and think about moving to another platform for my primary needs, I have the thought, “…but I’ll lose GraphicConverter.” Thorsten Lemke continues to deliver a remarkable amount of value to the Mac platform.

Possible article topic: unsung heroes of the Mac platform.

PS. An interview with TL from a few years ago.

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Absolutely! Thorsten’s willingness to help out has resulted in a pair of TidBITS articles in the last few years.


And just for those security conscious, version 12.0.7 (10 Oct. 2023) fixed the WebP vulnerability that impacted numerous applications. LemkeSoft was quick to get that updated. :grinning:

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