Five Apps That Play Podcasts Directly from Your Apple Watch

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Want to listen to a podcast while exercising or doing yardwork, without having your iPhone along? Couple an Apple Watch with one of these five podcast apps and you’ll be able to leave your iPhone behind. But prepare for a few glitches and rough edges.

Thanks for the breakdown! I returned my apple watch back in nov due to the terrible podcast support (plus the bugs that were out of the gate on release). Been contemplating getting it again but looks like there is still a podcast problem.

Hey, that’s when I bought my watch!

I am waiting for an Overcast solution, as I am unwilling to give up its features, but if I did things like running when zombies aren’t chasing me, I’d use Workout++

I just got an Apple Watch 3 Cellular and was looking for a podcast solution from Overcast or Pocket Cast. Then found Outcast. It does seem to work well. In fact, I took only my watch running with me earlier this week, with my AirPods and I got a call on my watch! It was so Dick Tracy - very cool indeed. This is a great rundown and just solidified I made a good choice getting a new watch after rockin’ an original Apple Watch

Another Podcast player with Apple Watch capability which I’ve used for years is iCatcher. Here is a link describing the Apple Watch app.

Thank you, sir, I’ll take a look.


Before clicking Buy, I thought I’d check the reviews. Though you mention some challenges using these apps, I was astonished by the poor App Store reviews, which range from 2-star to 4-star (with many reporting bad experiences). In fact, Stephen’s recommendation, iCatcher!, has the best reviews of any of these. App Store reviews are of limited value, but they sure make it seems like none of these apps is ready for prime time.

I would take these reviews with a large grain of salt. The Apple watch is extremely limited in what it can do, and I expect that many of these reviews are based on not getting a wonderful iOS experience on their 38mm screens.

Try them out. Even if they cost money, if you find them not useful, request a refund. It’s pretty much automatic at this point.

Thanks for the tip. I didn’t know it was so easy to get a refund. I agree with your point and I’m skeptical of the reviews overall. I should have plugged them into FakeSpot but too lazy. It was startling to see 2-star reviews for some of them.

Meanwhile I’ve tried Outcast (which it turns out is from the developer of which I use) and MiniCast. So far, so good. I’d give the nod to Outcast, which is only $1 compared with $4 for MiniCast. I thought I’d like MiniCast since you just transfer one episode at a time, but Outcast delivers a prettier experience and more functionality for less.