Fantastical 3.8 and Cardhop 2.2.12

Originally published at: Fantastical 3.8 and Cardhop 2.2.12 - TidBITS

Introduces new interactive Event List + Calendar widgets that require macOS 14 Sonoma. ($56.99 annual subscription, free update, 70 MB, macOS 11+)

I don’t know what I’m missing!? I have Cardhop and Fantastical on the same subscription. Fantastical always notifies me when there is a new update. For Cardhop, however, I have to go to the Flexibits website and download each new version. If it wasn’t for Titbits emails, I wouldn’t even know there was a new version of Cardhop available - thanks

Sounds like a question for Flexibits support—perhaps there’s a bit flipped in your account somewhere.