Originally published at: Apple Podcasts Now Available in Any Web Browser - TidBITS
Apple has unveiled a Web-based version of its Podcasts app. It’s available to anyone, but those who sign in with their Apple IDs can access their existing podcast subscriptions.
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Yup, clear sop to Windows users, of which I am one part-time. I think it’s a good thing, insofar as it reduces friction in a way that makes Apple’s most popular product more desirable. OTOH, it’s a bit depressing that it seemingly affirms their services play, and further deprecates the Mac as the computing platform of choice, despite Podcasts arguably being Apple’s best showcase of Catalyst. Guess we’ll have to see what impact this has on Apple’s continuing dominance in podcasts, though I suspect the impact will be positive and much to the disquiet of the more open podcast options.