Apple Pay doesn't work with Touch ID

I select Apple Pay, it asks me to use touch ID. it fails and a keyboard appears with text “double click to us password”
If I double click the keyboard, nothing happens. Apple Pay is not an option. How do I use my password?
I tried taking a screenshot but the keyboard part of the image doesn’t show.
One solution is to respecify my finger but doing that everytime I want to pay on my mas gets old

I’m thinking that this is a MacOS question. See Pay with Apple Pay in Safari on Mac - Apple Support

If your Mac doesn’t have a Touch Bar, you can double-tap Touch ID and enter your password. Or if you’re using a Mac with Apple silicon, you can double-tap Touch ID and enter your password.

So I think what you do is double-tap the Touch ID sensor (not double-CLICK but double-TAP). See if that works. (TouchID always works for me so I haven’t seen this prompt myself.)

I have an M2 macbook pro, with silicone.
double tapping does absolutely nothing so my only option is to go back and not use apple pay