Apple Music Arrives on Alexa

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If you use Apple Music but prefer Amazon’s Alexa-based smart speakers to Apple’s HomePod, good news! Apple Music is now available on Alexa once you install the Apple Music skill.

Grrrr! USA Only!!!

There is far too much of this geographically-limited functionality in systems today.

I’d have hoped that it would be a gradually-reducing trend, but if anything, it seems to be accelerating. To the benefit of… nobody, I suspect, except already-bloated license-holders.

Apple offers instructions for how to do that with the Alexa iOS app.

I was alarmed, since I don’t use an iOS device! Fortunately, the page makes clear that you can also set up Apple Music on Echo using Android devices, or at

My bad for assuming that all of our readers have iOS devices!

Not at all! Congratulations on the new addition to your family.