Apple Moves WWDC Entirely Online

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Like other big tech companies, Apple has canceled the in-person part of its developer conference. However, in a textbook case of putting the best face on a bad situation, Apple has cast the change as a new online format that will let many more developers participate.

For what it’s worth, I’m somewhat exciting about the possibilities here. I’ve wanted to learn Swift and iOS/Mac programming forever, but there was no way I was going to commit to the WWDC expense to do so—and watching the videos after the fact didn’t quite make it stick. So depending on what kind of online event takes place, and the cost, this could be a truly unique opportunity.

You may also want to check out these links:

Also, check out the books from Big Nerd Ranch. I haven’t read their Swift-based books, but I was very happy with their books on learning Cocoa programming for Mac OS X. If their Swift-based books are similarly high quality, then they will also be a good resource for learning the language.

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Will there still be a keynote address that can be watched via the Apple Events app on my  TV?

Probably, but none of the agenda has been made public. If you’re a developer you can check or download the Developer app to get early details when released.