Why is Siri unable to play music from my Apple Music library?

I do not have an Apple Music subscription. I just listen to music that I have put on my iPhone.

Since upgrading to iOS 18.0 when I ask Siri to play music it says “Looks like Apple Music can’t play that.” I had this problem a year or two ago after a previous update. The solution was to add “from my library” to the Siri request. But now this is no longer working. I’ve googled, but none of the solutions have helped. From my google searches I also found that many calls have been made to Apple Support on this issue to no avail. It is annoying. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Also since upgrading to iOS 18.0, I am finding that this upgrade is duplicating tracks when I decide to play them. It is also annoying. Again does anyone know how to fix this?