Use Live Text to Digitize Your Cookbooks

To change an all-caps name after inserting it, you must tap in the Name field, tap Select All, tap the share icon, select this Change Case shortcut, close the share sheet, tap the still-selected text, and tap Paste…Suggestions for making the case change faster are welcome!

Any time I need to repeat the same sequence several times I turn to Keyboard Maestro (KM). I have a hot key set up to change selected text to title case – use BBEdit (Text > Change Case), copy the newly-titled text, then paste it back over the original selected text. I used to do this manually with BBEdit, then when I got KM it sped up the process. Although KM has a learning curve, I use it for so many repetitive tasks that it was worth taking the time. I continually learn new things it can do. It’s amazing software.