Twitter Encourages Users to Change Their Passwords

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After discovering that passwords for many user accounts were logged in clear text internally, Twitter is encouraging all users to change their passwords.

Hi Adam. Why do you recommend 2-factor authentication for Twitter “more than many other” online accounts? What could a bad guy do if they got hold of my Twitter login?

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The fact that Twitter had cleartext passwords is very concerning. I am glad I don’t use Twitter for anything having to do with my job or making money in any way. This revelation is simply horrible and shows a stunning level of idiocy in a multi=,billion dollar company. I mean, it’s been more than 15 years since I thought, “Hey, this mail software is storing clear text passwords in a password-protected database. That’s bad. I should never have someone’s password, and I trust me.”

A bad guy could send tweets making you seem like a bad person or expose private DMs (though presumably some of the same Twitter staff that had access to these logs can read those DMs anyway). I suppose if you authenticate on other sites using your Twitter account, that’s another risk but I don’t know how common that is, I would assume a lot less than using Google or Facebook instead.

If you’re not a public figure or on Twitter as part of your profession, I wouldn’t think it would be that big a deal, not compared to your primary email, a financial institution, or even Facebook.

Hardly any site requires JavaScript to do client-side hashing of passwords so almost all will have the cleartext password at the server. Logging something that shouldn’t have been (every POST to an API perhaps?) is a bone-headed mistake but to me it’s more understandable than, say, not renewing SSL certificates, something even more prominent companies have done. BTW, with 3,372 employees and 2.4 billion in revenue, I think Twitter is almost in the top 10 for revenue per employee; I’m a very light Twitter user, I’m amazed they have that much revenue.


Thank you, Curtis and kreme for your explanations. Happily I don’t use Twitter for any business-related activity. And I do use difficult and unique passwords everywhere. I am a frequent Twitter user, but only to watch and contribute to discussions of national and international politics and news.