TUAW Joins iLounge as an AI-Powered Zombie Site 

Wow, thanks for that headline. I went to iLounge a few months ago and wondered what the hell happened. The content was incoherent and mostly pushed me through a bunch of reviews of cheap plastic crap. I used to go to that site all the time, I trusted their reviews.

A friend of mine is in a disaster due to a stupid domain name problem. She let a domain name lapse, it got snapped up by a domain squatter in Singapore. They want like $3k to sell it back. I told her, think real hard about a new domain. She said, “I can’t, that’s the title of the book I’m writing!” And she is horrified because the domain squatter loaded the fake page with porn ads. I don’t know what to tell her. I figure with scumbags like that, first they ask $3k and then they want $10k, so think a lot harder about a new title and domain.