Take a HEIC: Make Sure AP and Other Test Uploads Work from Your iPhone and iPad

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I am among those who think Macs have substantially improved over time. And I hope that I will live to see the day when iPads are advanced enough to run Photoshop, InDesign and other processor intensive apps by just plugging one in to a big screen and a keyboard.

OK, no more about whether or not Macs have been dumbed down—it’s not a discussion that has anywhere to go, nor is it related to HEIC or the College Board.

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An Interesting new development:

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Here is a follow-up regarding the College Board and its AP tests. Including a note that the make-up test also didn’t go well:


In the meantime, the College Board’s botched systems have left a bad taste with both students and educators.

“The College Board is a little slimy,” says Taylor Eirich, a chemistry teacher from Cumberland, Maryland. She instructed her AP kids to film themselves submitting their work, so there’s proof if the tech goes awry. She told OneZero that she doesn’t trust the company to take students at their word.