Survey Responses: Apple OS Upgrade Plans, NAS Devices, and Do Not Disturb

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We’ve been running some quick polls at the end of some recent articles, and we wanted to share results from the first batch. Check them out to see how your opinions and experiences correspond with those of other TidBITS readers.

The surveys are interesting, and I appreciate the summary. We have upgraded our iPhones. And while our 3-month-old 4K Apple TV is set for automatic OS upgrades, if I could keep the improved hardware, but go back to the user interface of our Apple TV version 2, I would do that and never upgrade. The new interface is slower, provides less information on any screen, makes it harder to navigate to the chosen episode and season, and includes the anathema of autoplay for episode previews. I’ve searched for a way to turn that off, and haven’t found it.

Two quick comments…

(1) re: the will-you-upgrade question–was there an option for “I can’t”? I have a 2010 iMac that’s doing just fine, so I won’t be going to Mojave until some combination of hardware features and OS features makes me decide to purchase a new machine.

(2) re: do-not-disturb-while-driving–I have CarPlay, which does its own thing to control driving disturbances. So I turned DNDWD completely off, because 90% of the time it was activating was when I was a passenger and it was just annoying me.

FYI on a related but off the Do Not Disturb topic. I was recently listening to a Naked Scientist podcast. A researcher in the UK who was studying distractions in cars found Handheld verses Hands Free made no difference. It was the call itself not the method that was distracting.

Interesting but I won’t use the phone unless it is hands free or the car is stopped. My decision long ago.

No, sorry, there wasn’t an “I can’t” option; all the questions were aimed at people who have an upgrade decision to make. If you can’t, you can’t, and it’s the end of the story.

Yes, I’ve long said that the issue with safety while talking on the phone while driving is the mental bandwidth you have to put into the call, not just the physical awkwardness of holding the handset.

The big wiin with DNDWD is eliminating notifications that encourage people to interact with the iPhone when they shouldn’t.

I agree Adam. I’ve missed exits because I was listening to a speaker on a CD. Now when I get to a busy area I turn off the audio. And like others, if I need to talk on the phone I pull off the road. I’ve even had a State Patrol officer pull up and ask if there was a problem, I just said, no officer, just making a phone call. Whether it’s hands free or not is irrelevant so far as distraction is concerned.

I turned off DNDWD mostly because I found it annoying when I am a passenger, which happens about half the time I travel by vehicle. (I may try it again, though, and just try to remember to hit the “I’m not driving” when the car starts out.) For me, I already triage notifications with my Apple Watch; the only ones that make sound are texts or calls from my immediate family. Everything else is ignorable until I stop the car.