Request desktop view in iOS 11.4.1

In Safari on and iPhone with an older iOS, one could pull down on the address bar and request the desktop page. That seems to be gone. I much prefer the desktop pages on many sites I use.

Is there a way to get it back?

That function has moved to the Share menu (icon: box with upward pointing arrow). You might need to enable it.

Mark W from my iPhone

Thank you!

Another way is to touch-and-hold Reload. This is also how you temporarily bypass any content blockers you have installed.


Great tip. Never heard that before. Thanks! :slight_smile:

When I learned about this a year or so ago, it was one of those ‘holy fsck’ moments that make you both gleeful and furious. Discoverability on iOS is a massive game of tap, press, press harder and press longer, with zero consistency, even across Apple apps.

Sorry for reviving a dead thread; Discourse suggested I’d enjoy it as though it were new.