New iOS remote and YouTube not navigating

I have updated both my iPhone and iPad to iOS 12.2. I’m trying to use the new AppleTV remote. It is working in other apps, but in YouTube I can’t swipe to navigate. The physical remote works, but it isn’t working on either devices. Has anyone else seen this?

It works fine for me. If I had this issue I’d restart my phone and if that didn’t resolve it I’d restart the Apple TV.

I just went to check the system version on the ATV and found there is an update to TVOS 12.3 to install.

I’m note sure which version my ATV is running I will check. I would have restarted the phone, but as it was both devices it would seem it wasn’t that. I did force quit the YouTube app, but that made no difference. I will check the ATV and reboot that, and re-test.

Thanks for checking for me.

My AppleTV hadn’t updated. Once it was updated it started to work.