For everyone who has vision trouble and is not afraid to try new software, I have released 2cBoard which is a keyboard with large, dynamic, and predictive keys. I hope that it will help any vision-impaired user to type when dictation will not do. The 2cBoard keyboard is available today on the App Store and is free to try.
I’m revisiting this topic because I’ve just taken the time to look at Assistive Access (available in iOS 17). It looks fantastic but after poking around with it and trying it out for myself I’m hesitant to recommend it.
It does, indeed, change the entire interface to favor large target buttons (a Back button everywhere! Thanks be to god!) and simplified usage which would save me endless support calls. But, there is a massive omission: when people are distractible or hard of hearing the common result is they miss phone calls. Assistive access provides a notification badge that they missed one which of course causes anxiety but you can’t see recent calls or hear voice mails in Assistive Access! What!? You must exit the mode in order to view them. (Oh! Great! Real simple. . . .) That omission alone causes me to dispense with the idea of installing this until they provide direct access to Recents & Voice Mail.
You can add most any application to the available list in the mode (with the exception of Settings and Phone and perhaps others) but unless the developers have added support for the interface the app will run as usual with the exception of less screen space to provide for the sainted Back button. Still, for more sophisticated users it might be a possibility because they can still get to the apps they want to use.
Let’s hope they iterate on this quickly. My support logs would shrink wonderfully.