iOS 14.4.2, iPadOS 14.4.2, iOS 12.5.2, and watchOS 7.3.3 Address Serious WebKit Issue

Updated iPhone and iPad without trouble. Watch impossible, either from iPhone app or directly from settings on watch. Either way I get a message on iPhone saying “Software Update Failed: An error occurred downloading the latest version of watchOS on your Apple Watch.” Anyone else seeing this? Suggestions?

Two watches here updated overnight without problems. Maybe try power off and on for the watch (and phone, if that doesn’t work)

Thanks for suggestion; unfortunately neither thing helped.

Another irritating change in a recent (I think) iOS update is the way the iPhone displays incoming calls when unlocked. The default is now “Banner” whereas I am used to “Full screen”. Unfortunately answering a call with a banner is tricky with clumsy fingers!
Settings/Phone/Incoming Calls …

As I recall, when IOS 14 was introduced, most reviewers hailed the change to a banner for phone calls as an improvement, as it didn’t rudely destroy focus on whatever they were currently working on. However, if you dislike it, you can go back to the full-screen interruption following the instructions here.

Note that many times when Apple changes an interface element, you can go back to the previous default through a preference setting.

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Update; after multiple attempts to download finally one took and I’m updated. I guess it was just like lining up for the vaccine…

I wonder if Apple is seeing perturbations in its content delivery network, since I suffered from download failed errors on my M1 MacBook Air with macOS 11.2.3 for weeks. Eventually it managed to download, but nothing I could do made any difference (and other Macs updated fine). Your experience sounds similar, albeit with watchOS instead of macOS.

Both my iPhone 7 Plus and 6th generation iPad updated successfully, but accidentally, without a problem. I could not tell you how long it took, as they updated overnight, as they were charging. My preferences for updates remained the same; for automatic updates, Download iOS Updates is toggled to green and Install iOS Updates is toggled to gray. Which in my mind, I believe, will give me a badge that there is an update, have the update downloaded and ready to install, but not perform the update until I tell the device to do so. Which in practice never seems to happen, or happens inconsistently on both devices. Sometimes I get a badge, sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I get a download, sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I get a message saying it tried to update, but I was not plugged in and connected to Wi-Fi. Whenever I get that message the device always asks me if I want to update now, which I say no, and then has me enter my password to update overnight when plugged in and connected to Wi-Fi. I really don’t want that, but I don’t see a way of getting out of the screen without typing in my password, but as I usually charge my devices during the day, I am never too concerned that the the overnight update will take place; except for this time and on both devices. What exactly are the Software Update settings supposed to do? From reading all the above comments, it looks like each device seems to have a mind of its own regardless as to how the settings are toggled, or each person is readying something different into what the dialog boxes state (which is mostly the case for me).