Originally published at: https://tidbits.com/2018/12/22/inside-ios-12-manage-device-usage-with-screen-time/
Is your iPhone consuming your life? Are your kids having trouble putting their iPads down when it’s time for bed? iOS 12’s new Screen Time feature provides tools you can use to monitor and manage your usage and that of your family members. Josh Centers has a quick guide on how to use them.
re: Inside iOS 12: Manage Device Usage with Screen Time
Apple introduced Screen Time with IOS 12. The problem is it requires a FOUR digit PASSWORD. I did not forget this password because, to my knowledge, I NEVER HAD ONE. I use a password manager, but NOWHERE did I locate this password.
The only way, as per Apple, is to do a RESET, which means my iPad Pro will be starting anew. That’s a lot of work and time, plus no guarantee that this will work.
QUESTION- Is there a simpler answer to this issue❓ If not, can someone share the BEST way to do a RESET and STEP BY STEP DIRECTIONS so that I don’t screw this up:question:
If you were using the old parental restrictions function, that four-digit code carries over to the new screen time settings (which includes the other restrictions). You might have set one experimentally at some point, then decided against setting any restrictions on yourself but forgotten setting the passcode.
Thanks, Mark, but I do not recall ever using the restrictions. Perhaps I had played with it & then forgot.
This was a very timely article for a parent who just installed Minecraft on our iPads.
It’s worth mentioning that these features can also complement the Guided Access restrictions, that can ensure kids stay in a particular app for a period of time (e.g., my daughter might have 30 minutes of Khan Academy or 20 minutes of Reflex Math, etc.)