Gmail sent via Apple Mail issues

Any other having problems recently sending Gmail using Apple Mail on a Mac? If so, any solutions?

I thought the problem was associated with switching to two-factor authentication but I’ve turned that off and still no better.

Most of my sent mail stays in the Apple Outbox for a very long time. Hours often. Sometimes sends. Sometimes asks to confirm which server.

Very frustrating.

Just started about 10 days ago.

Thanks you for any info.

At work we’re all Google. I have not seen the behavior you describe at work with Mojave and or with iOS 12.4.whatever and Mail there. But we’ve not been switched to 2FA yet. Do you see the same behavior if you use the Gmail web interface?

No problems at all using the Gmail web interface.

Still watching Outbox in Apple Mail just sit there for hours this AM. I plan to delete/remove that account from Apple Mail and then add back. Hopefully that will resolve it but I’m not optimistic.

Thank you