Europe's General Data Protection Regulation Makes Privacy Global

Obviously a prime example of passing a “feel good” law just to make people think their overpaid legislators are actually doing something.

Or people not breaking it and not needing to be prosecuted…

It has had a positive effect on Privacy in the EU, are you saying that is a bad thing ? Not all law has to be adversarial, setting norms for good behaviour with a large stick is a good way to encourage positive change. Unlike say the NYTimes who when you try and remove all the tracking they do, despite paying them money for a subscription, have you chasing all over rather than a simple set of yes/no buttons to say ’stop following me’.

So not a 'feel good law’ from where I am watching.


Yes the benefits extend further than courtroom outcomes. Definitely improved matters when it comes to privacy. And citizens have rights established.


Not for me either. The state of CA’s legislative process was heavily influenced and also supported by the GDPR efforts with the result that we here in CA now enjoy better consumer privacy protection than most other states. I’m very happy to benefit from that and grateful for European efforts that supported these developments over here.


Really? This is just begging the question.

If privacy advocates are frustrated by the fact that the EU won’t enforce the law, that’s a good indication that it hasn’t accomplished it’s goal.