Bloomberg Reports Apple Will Start Transitioning the Mac to ARM in 2021

My OK Boomer ears are not sensitive at all after more decades of headphone and earphone use then I care to admit I’m old. Measured in MacBook Pro years, mine is also an OK Boomer and the fan does get noisy after limited use online or using not so taxing stuff like MS Word. But it starts sounding like a tornado the minute I launch Photoshop, InDesign or Illustrator.

My concern is whether there will be a Unix command-line interface. Not having that could be a deal-breaker for me.

Same here, but honestly, not something I’m really worried about. Many PPC Macs supported OS X with all its UNIXy goodness and command line tools. Several UNIX flavors (including BSD which macOS is built on) were built for architectures other than x86. In fact, probably a majority.

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