Arc Will Change the Way You Work on the Web

I’ve now been using Arc as my default browser for several months. Perhaps oddly, though, there are several key features I just don’t use. I’m still fuzzy-minded about the different uses of Peek and Little Arc, and rarely use either, although one or the other (which??) would surely be a better solution than my current habit of opening some links in new windows via right-click. My Easels and Media containers are empty - no real surprise there, since I prefer text to images is general. And I never Boost anything. Again, no surprise. Seems like a gimmick with a lot of potential to cause unexpected problems. Does anybody here love Boosts?

Re the new AI features, I’ve turned off “Ask on Page” since I’m already in the habit of using Bing Search when I have a specific question that can’t be easily converted to a Google search. I’ve also turned off ChatGPT due to uneasiness about how that system would use my data and what it might do with it.