Apple Releases macOS 14.4, watchOS 10.4, tvOS 17.4, HomePod Software 17.4, and visionOS 1.1

Yes - phone and iPad, but similar

On my Intel iMac, I no longer have sound in Safari, but works in other apps. Makes YouTube rather boring.

Found it. Seems to have randomly muted that tab. If I had less tabs then it would have appeared in the tab bar as muted.

I’ve noticed that watchOS 10.4 has changed the appearance of the timer app. Since 10.0 through 10.3, timers were listed like this: 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 1:00:00, etc. Now they are listed a little more explicitly: 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 1 hour.

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Thanks for posting this. I updated tvOS last night after reading this just to be able to turn autoplay off.

Not a biggie, but I preferred the all numeric timer display.

Also, if you display your apps in a list, single tapping the crown now remembers your last position in the list rather than always displaying the top of the list. This is convenient if you commonly access apps that start with letters other than ‘a’ and ‘b’.

I haven’t updated, but I experience this with an Intel iMac and and an iPhone in one location and an M1 Mac, an iPhone, and an iPad (in varying combinations of what rings at all and what keeps ringing) in another location.

After updating to macOS 14.4 it seems the background color of the Weather app (and its associated widget) is a much paler blue than before. The lack of contrast between background and text colors is making it a lot harder to read.

Weather’s background color is determined by the weather. And time of day. Mine is black right now because it’s 9pm here and sunset was 7:13pm.

Wow. How did I not notice that before? Apparently we were having a particularly hazy shade of winter at the moment I noticed what I thought was an update-related anomaly. Today we’re back to deep blues skies, and the Weather widget background color is similarly colored.

A few strange things have happened to an Intel MBP 15" after installing Sonoma 14.4:

  1. Printer sharing was turned off, but File Sharing remained on.
  2. The screensaver was changed to a blank light green colour. I changed it back to ‘California Dolphin pod’ which duly downloaded, but even after I still get a blank green screen on activation. Tried the ‘Alaskan Jellies’ instead and I get the same. If I switch to "Flurries’ it works. Restarted it and the dolphins are back!
  3. After each restart, the open tab in Vivaldi shows in my dock on my M2 MBA as an extra Firefox icon. If I click on it the site opens in Firefox, and on closing it the extra dock icon goes away.

Not quite sure what you mean here. Safari supports extensions and I have several running.

Am I misunderstanding your comment?

I’m referring to the old style extensions that did not require a background app from the app store. The wonderful and useful additions like uBlock Origin that make the web usable. I have installed 1Blocker, Wipr, KaBlock! and ABP into Safari as is, and don’t achieve the same effect as uBO alone in Safari or Vivaldi.

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Using open core legacy patcher with my 2012 Retina MB Pro I upgraded from 14.3 to 14.4, no problems. BUT anyone wanting to do the same with an open core supported computer needs to be sure to update open core to version 1.4.2 and install it first, then run the root patches, then do the update to 14.4, then re-run the root patches. I’m amazed at how well open core legacy patcher works on that computer. Anyone else keeping the oldies alive this way?

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I have OCLP allowing me to run Ventura on an old Mac mini that I use as a media server in the summer house - all it does basically is provide a media source for Sonos (though it also syncs some local folders using Syncthing that I’d prefer to keep off any cloud service, and that allows my MacBooks to sync those folders mostly within the LAN rather than over the internet to my computers here at home.) I really don’t need to go beyond the version of Ventura that it’s running right now.

I was running it stock on Big Sur but had to upgrade to Ventura when I upgraded iCloud on my AppleID to Advanced Data Protection.

At some future point I’ll replace it with an Apple Silicon version, but for now I’m fine with it this way.

Thanks for the reply. I intend to use OCLP on a 2013 Mac Pro in a few months. Hoping it will go smoothly. Incidentally when I updated my MB Pro 2012 using OCLP to Ventura, shortly thereafter software update automatically updated it to Sonoma – before I was ready to go there. This is kind of a bug and to avoid it some auto update switches need to be turned off, but I didn’t know that then. Luckily Sonoma works fine also… but again, OCLP 1.4.2 needs to be installed before updating to Sonoma 17.4.

Apparently there are reports about problems with USB hubs and printers after installing macOS 14.4

I appear to be unaffected. I use my (Dell) monitor as a hub (USB-C charging, usb mouse and keyboard) and they’re all working fine. Printing is fine on multiple printers.

A suggestion I read earlier is the update removes CUPS but it must only be under certain circumstances/configurations. I’m pleased to be OK, it would definitely be a nuisance.

SMB file sharing seems improved for me in 14.4. I used to have to do daily disable, restart, enable to get it to work. But right now it’s just working as intended.

So far all good here. No problems with hubs or printing. :crossed_fingers: