Originally published at: AppBITS: PolyCapture Simplifies Multi-Source Recording - TidBITS
I’ve just discovered an app that makes me wish I created videos. The elegantly designed PolyCapture, from German developer Martin Lexow, enables the simultaneous recording of multiple sources: a video feed, a microphone, and actions on the Mac screen. This capability is particularly helpful for those who want their final video to switch fluidly between camera angles, Mac windows, and audio tracks.
PolyCapture goes beyond handling just one of each source; you can simultaneously record from multiple cameras, microphones, and screens (or windows, or portions of the screen). For editing flexibility, PolyCapture records each source in its own file, allowing you to mix them seamlessly in post-production. New in version 1.10, which came out late last year, is an option that merges recorded sources into a single video or audio file, eliminating the need to switch to a video editor just to combine audio and video.
PolyCapture provides full functionality for up to 3 minutes of recording for testing purposes, but longer recordings require a one-time in-app purchase of $8.99. That seems crazy cheap for an app that deserves to appear in the rolling credits of your finished piece with a clever job title like Angle Wrangler.